It’s Gonna Be A Zit-Filled Summer

It’s Gonna Be A Zit-Filled Summer

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (Wireless Flash) – Summer is coming, and that means many businesses are bracing for a slowdown – but it’s coming to a head for those whose job is fighting zits. It seems summertime is boom time for blemishes, so doctors and facialists and are kept busy by a plethora of pizza-faced clients. For example, Beverly Hills dermatologist Dr. Armand Newman expects up to a 30 percent increase in acne patients this summer. He says there are several reasons why summer is high time for zits. For starters, folks sweat more, which can block pores and prompt pimples to sprout. In addition, lounging in the sun can damage skin cells so they don’t flake off, clogging skin and causing acne outbreaks. Finally, Dr. Newman says using a hot tub can cause zits on both the face and the body because the hot water is a hotbed for pimple-causing bacteria.

Thu 06-06-02