Teen Boys: Still Virgins, But Horny As Heck

Teen Boys: Still Virgins, But Horny As Heck

NEW YORK (Wireless Flash) – The typical teenage boy is a lot like Jason Biggs’ character in American Pie – still a virgin but really horny. Need proof? A new poll of teenage boys conducted by YM magazine shows 84 percent of the fellas haven’t done the deed yet. What’s more, 45 percent love to talk about sex and girls – and only 15 percent would rather talk about sports. Other surprising statistics... 26 percent of teenage boys think a girl should make the first move on a date. 48 percent spend more than ten minutes primping in front of the mirror before going out. And, finally, when it comes to girls, blondes don’t have more fun: 48 percent of guys prefer brunettes.

Mon 06-03-02