Improve Beach Sex Appeal: Place Beer Cooler Towards South East
Improve Beach Sex Appeal: Place Beer Cooler Towards South East
LOS ANGELES (Wireless Flash) A tight bikini might help you pick up dates on the beach but youll score even more if your beer cooler faces the southwest. According to feng shui expert David Cho, keeping an open beer cooler filled with ice on the southwest corner of your towel increases your chances of getting lucky with the opposite sex. However, dont keep Coke in the cooler. Cho says the red cans will attract freaks and its better to have drinks that come in white cans. Another beachin way to improve sex appeal is to place your umbrella facing east. That improves your decision-making ability which is crucial if you meet two potential mates. Finally, Cho says beach towels should always be solid colors white if youre tan and periwinkle if youre pasty white.
Mon 05-27-02