Why Barry Bonds Hits So Many Homers
Why Barry Bonds Hits So Many Homers
SAN DIEGO (Wireless Flash) Whats in a name? A lot of home runs for Barry Bonds and Sammy Sosa, according to a vibrational name expert in San Diego. Barbara Mark says Bonds and Sosa hit so many home runs because their first and last names begin with the same letter. Its not just alliteration. Mark says the B sound in Bonds name gives off a consistent and powerful vibration that makes the ball practically jump off his bat. Meanwhile, the vibration of the S in Sammy Sosas name has an ebb and flow to it that causes him to hit home runs in clumps. Bonds and Sosas names might be helping them hit home runs but, so far, no other major league players have changed their names hoping to get their edge.
Thu 04-18-02