In Brief...

In Brief...

SAMORA CORREIA, Portugal (Wireless Flash) – A Portuguese man’s ex- girlfriend still won’t get back together with him even after he bought her the world’s largest bouquet of roses. The Guinness Book-approved bouquet contains 518 red roses, weighs more than 60 pounds and cost the poor guy almost $800.

NEW YORK – Madonna will soon be starring on the London stage in Up For Grabs – but the production will leave her anything but. The New York Post reports the pop diva has had the stage raised three feet and will have beefy bodyguards waiting in the wings should any fans get overzealous.

SYDNEY, Australia – Russell Crowe will no longer be able to crow about being Australia’s top earner in show business. This year, he has slipped to third place, just behind rock group AC/DC in second place. Taking the top place is an entertainment company called Sports and Entertainment Limited.

MIAMI TOWNSHIP, Ohio – For years, the residents of Gay Road in Miami Township, Ohio, have wanted to change the name of their street – and now the county commissioners have agreed. Instead of being Gay, the street will now be called Green Apple Road.

HAZLETON, Pa. – A 24-year-old woman from Tamaqua, Pennsylvania has been thrown in the clink for not returning her library books. Theresa Dawn Keller checked out three books back in September of 2000 and had incurred $120 in late fees. A spokesman for the library says, “[Jailing] is the only way some people will return their books, unfortunately.”