Meet the Human Computer

Meet the Human Computer

LONDON (Wireless Flash) – A 23-year-old “numbers prodigy” in England is gaining a reputation as a real human computer. Daniel Tammet can memorize 1500 decimal numbers in one hour and calculate large sums in just seconds. He’s been a math whiz ever since he suffered an epileptic seizure at age three and says when he computes, he actually sees the numbers in his head. Scientists who’ve studied Tammet’s noggin have found he uses one- third more of his brain than the average person, but they still don’t understand why his brain performs the way it does. The human computer doesn’t think his talent is unusual – in fact, he believes everyone has the potential to crunch numbers like him. Now, Tammet is coming to America to show off his unusual skill and is counting on landing a book deal so he can share his math calculating tips.

Tue 04-09-02