MEMPHIS, Tenn. (Wireless Flash) -- If you're planning on drinking like a fish tomorrow night, be careful. Some New Year's Eve hangover cures are more stomach-churning than the hangover itself. Memphis-based hangover historian Rollin Riggs says back in the wild west days, drunken cowboys would "cure" their hangovers by drinking a tea made out of dried rabbit droppings. 19th century chimney sweeps got rid of their morning-after shakes by drinking warm milk flavored with a dash of soot. But the kooky cures haven't disappeared. Some modern-day Puerto Ricans rub half a lemon under their armpits to cure a hangover, while drunks in Outer Mongolia slurp pickled sheep's eyes in tomato juice. If these cures are all a little too gross for you, you can always try a Haitian voodoo trick: Just stick 13 black-headed pins into the cork or cap of the bottle of booze that got you blasted. Riggs is the publisher of "The Hangover Handbook" (Mustang Publishing).